About the website monclimatetmoi.ca

Lac, désert, feuille d'arbre : dualité vert et cendre

Monclimatetmoi is a site about climate change and health. It aims mainly to raise awareness among young people about the impacts of climate change on their health. Today’s youth will be the first generation to fully experience the effects of climate change that will manifest in the next few decades.

They must be at the heart of the collective choices to be made. In this sense, this site aims to help young people continue the fight against climate change, and even more so, to adapt to the impacts it will generate.

Why monclimatetmoi?

Impact on the climate

Firstly, because we want to indicate that the climate is a reality within which each of us lives. Everything we do or do not do can have an impact on the environment. And then, rain or shine, wetter or drier, wetter or snowier, the weather leaves us no choice, we have to deal with it.

Climate change has and will have an impact on all of us

Whether it’s because of the quality of the air we breathe, the water we drink, the “sunburn” we get, or the storms that flood us or bury us in snow, climate change is already taking its toll. Moreover, the expected increase in average temperatures may seem small, increasing these effects.

The most vulnerable people are those who already suffer from respiratory problems, heart problems or who are weakened by the disease.

But as climate change progresses, it will increase the number of people who suffer its impacts: for example, you don’t have to be already in poor health to be affected by poor water quality.


Monclimatetmoi.ca: “I can make a difference”

How can I do that? I can help reduce the extent of future climate change by changing my lifestyle and inviting those around me to do the same. It is possible, and even necessary, to review our modes of transportation to encourage public and active transportation that is less polluting and better for health.

It is possible to save energy, not to waste water, to eat differently, and so on. Alternatives exist, others need to be developed and we need to implement them in our daily lives.

Reducing the magnitude of climate change

I also need to adapt to climate change

Already at work, protecting myself from the sun’s rays, planting trees, contributing to the greening of my schoolyard or neighbourhood, etc., I’m already doing it.

I can also show solidarity with people here and elsewhere who are more vulnerable to climate change: the poor here, the Inuit of the far North and the peoples of the South (particularly in developing countries) who are struggling with desertification.

Monclimatetmoi.ca presents information based on the most recent results of scientific research

We have grouped this information around the four major elements of Water, Earth, Air and Fire. For a quick overview of the issue, you can consult the ABCs of Climate Change and complete it with the Did you know that… section.

To fully understand climate change, it is also important to situate it in time with the Climate Change Timeline. To continue this overview, why not take the quiz to test your knowledge?

Monclimatetmoi.ca, also offers practical tools to people in action

An interactive Map of Quebec for better understanding and describing your region, suggestions for Actions to take, Ideas to share, useful references (educational tools, books, documentary films), a Glossary, a Calendar of upcoming activities and finally, a section on Climate Change News.

We are proud of the Canadian companies involved in protecting the planet from global warming
